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Aug 10, 2020
Un retour à long terme - Le tourisme post-covid-19
L'état de l'industrie touristique viennoise peut être décrit comme un effacement complet, avec une diminution de 98,2% des nuitées en...

Aug 6, 2020
Comeback the Long Way Around - Tourism Post-Covid-19
Interview with Frans-Jan Soede on post-corona tourism

Jun 14, 2020
Hotelsanierung und Post-COVID-19 Krisenmanagement
Wirtschaftliche Krisen in der Hotellerie, rückläufige Umsätze, sinkende Gästezahlen und explodierende Kosten haben viele Ursachen.

May 29, 2020
SAIL GIN - a collaboration with Purest
We recently collaborated with Purest, a local gin maker for our promotional items. Here's how to enjoy it.

May 18, 2020
strategic partnership Serbia and Montenegro
HAM has established a strategic partnership with Mr. Misha Pavlovic as our new regional representative for Serbia and Montenegro.

May 15, 2020
partenariat stratégique Maroc
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncé que HAM independent hospitality & tourism advisors a établi un partenariat stratégique avec M. Christo

Apr 2, 2020
Settling in for the downturn and preparing for the reopening: ways we can help
We take a look at the challenges facing hoteliers and hotel owners in the Covid crisis. You can read about how HAM can help.

Mar 6, 2020
fasten your seatbelts - how hotels and owners can deal with the setback as COVID-19 goes global
What can hotels and owners do apart from cutbacks to deal with the crisis being caused by the COVID-19 outbreak?

Nov 25, 2019
1000 followers on LinkedIn!
1000 people are keeping up-to-date via our LinkedIn page. Thank you!

Oct 28, 2019
Why value-add investment strategies might be the way to go in hospitality
Hotel asset managers have a key role in value-add investments.

May 20, 2019
HAM rebranding project - the merit of expert advisors
Read about our recent rebranding project and see why outside expertise make a world of difference in projects.

Jan 10, 2019
HAM office in Tirana, Albania
We are proud to announce that we recently opened our newest office in Tirana, Albania from where we plan to oversee the regional tourism...
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